DennY DeeJay

DennY DeeJay,cije je pravo ime Daniel Petrovic je rodjen u Nisu, Srbija…Kao ljubitelj elektronske muzike uz oceve ploce Kraftverka i elektronskog zvuka krenuo je da se bavi dj’ingom 2004-te godine. Od tada pa do danas on istrazuje sve zanrove elektronske muzike. Njegovi setovi su prepoznatljivi progressivnom melodijom i elementima melodicnog trensa. Kao takav radio je u mnogim clubovima sirom Srbije i van nje… Clan je Kinetic Beatz-a sa DJ Nemanjom Cwetkovic, DJ Colenze & DJ Natural Mystic…

DennY DeeJay,real – Daniel Denny Petrovic, was born in Nish,Serbia…He started DJ career in 2004.From then till now he explore all kind of electronic music.His sets are recognized with progressive melody and elements of melodic trance.His first release,”Electrical Music Is Part Of Me” in 2007 was a mixed songs of well knows hits in that time. 2008 he made a second release called “In Search For Illusion-part 1” with a remix song called “Minimal World”. He worked in most popular clubs in Serbia, with well known dj’s and bands.Also he is the member of Dirty Hybridz Crew,Kinetic Beatz Serbia,and one of rezident dj’s of BPM Radio Serbia with DJ Nemanja Cwetkovic, DJ ColenzE & DJ Natural Mystic…


Telefon: 060 497 479 9
